


The country’s Jewish presence dates back to the Roman period when Jews were sent to France after the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. A Jewish community was active in Paris as early as the 6th century. Though the First Crusade largely left French Jews untouched, the Second Crusade began a long period of persecution in which Catholic clergy railed against Jews and forced them to pay a special tax. The Jews were often expelled from France at this time, only to be readmitted a few years later. Throughout this period of persecution, France produced some of the brightest luminaries of Jewish learning including the famed biblical commentator Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, usually referred to as Rashi. Jews were finally granted citizenship during the French Revolution.

Anti-Semitism increased throughout the 19th century, culminating in the trial of Alfred Dreyfus, a French army captain who was falsely convicted of a crime because he was Jewish and whose story inspired Theodor Herzl’s Zionist activities. During WWII, France was controlled by the Germans and a pro-Nazi Vichy government which carried out Nazi directives. The first deportations of French Jews began in 1942 and, by war’s end, about a quarter of all French Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

Thousands of Jews flocked to France in the wake of the war, including thousands of North African Jews. Today, the Jewish population of France currently numbers at nearly half a million, making it the world’s third-largest Jewish community after New York and Israel. The French Jewish community is served by synagogues, community organizations, schools, and dozens of kosher restaurants.

Tours are available in English, Spanish, Hebrew, German, French, Russian, and Dutch.

Specialty and custom tours available on request; including, Louvre Tours, Gourmet Tour, Neighborhood, and private car.


  • Mémorial de la Shoah
    The Jewish Documentation Center and Holocaust Memorial
    17 Rue Geoffroy l’Asnier, 75004 Paris, France
  • The Agoudas Hakehilos, The Pavee Synagogue
    10 rue Pavée, Le Marais, Paris
  • Synagogue des Tournelles
    21bis Rue des Tournelles
    75004 Paris, France


  • Agoudas Hakehilos Synagogue
    10 Rue Pavée, 75004 Paris, France
  • Grand Synagogue de Leon
    13 Quai Tilsitt, 69002 Lyon, France
  • Belfort Synagogue
    6 Rue de l’As de Carreau
    90000 Belfort, France


  • For information on kosher food in France, read more here.


  • Representative Council of Jews of France
    39 Rue de Broca
    F – 75005 Paris, France
    Telephone: +33 1 42 17 11 11, Email:

Guide Info

Flora Goldenberg

Paris, France

+33616304735, whatsapp available

Contact Flora

Explore the Jewish Quarter with local and professional French, Parisian guides from Jewish descent, with roots in the local community. Located in the heart of Paris, the “Pletzl”, has been the center of Jewish life in Paris since the 13th century. While walking in the paved narrow streets of Le Marais, you will learn about the history of the Jewish communities in Paris, for more than 2000 years.

Visit the beautiful synagogues of the neighborhood and discover the Jewish shops, the Kosher bakeries and Jewish bookstores. Discover the history of the Jews in the Middle ages, when they were persecuted and expelled from the country in 1394. Learn about the time of the French Revolution, and the occupation of Paris during WWII, and discover some hidden places that only locals know!