
Los Angeles


The Jewish community of Los Angeles was established during the 1840s and 50s as Jews began settling in the newly American-controlled city. Several synagogues of various traditions were established over the following decades. The building of the transcontinental railroad brought Jews from the midwest and the turn of the century saw the arrival of thousands of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. The Jewish population of the city further increased after WII when war veterans moved into the city. By the middle of the century, Los Angeles was already one of the largest Jewish communities in the United States.

Today, there are more than 600,000 Jews in Los Angeles served by dozens of synagogues of all denominations, several Jewish schools, dozens of kosher restaurants. Jews continue to be active in all aspects of the city’s economy and society. The current mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, is Jewish!


  • For a list of synagogues in the Los Angeles area, click here.


  • For a list of kosher restaurants in the Los Angeles area, click here.