


With approximately a third of Italy’s Jewish population residing in the capital of Lombardi, Milan makes up the second largest Jewish community in Italy. With eight different synagogues, Jewish schools, and kosher restaurants, Milan is an exciting Jewish cultural destination for the Jewish traveler.

As in most Jewish communities in Italy, Jews first settled in Milan as moneylenders during the 14th century. They were expelled and subjected to restrictive laws several times over the following centuries before finally being allowed to settle in Milan in 1861, after the unification of Italy.

Today’s community includes a large number of Jews from the Middle East as well as those whose families have lived in Italy for generations. Your tour will take you through the various synagogue traditions that collectively make up the Milanese community. Though Milan does not boast as many historic sites as some other Italian cities, it supports a thriving Jewish cultural life in the present with Jewish magazines, kosher stores and restaurants, and a Jewish museum. Whether it’s the Sephardic tradition of the Jews who came to Italy from Spain, the ancient Italian tradition of the communities in Northern Italy or Rome, or the Persian tradition of the Iranian Jews who moved to Milan in more recent decades, experience contemporary Italian Jewish life with us!



  • Angelo Mordechai Donati (Sephardi)
    Via Sally Mayer 4/6 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Moshe Lazar; Email:
  • Beit Hatalmud (Ari)
    Via Soderini 35 – Milan
    Open Daily (also August)
    Responsible: Rabbi Tzemach Mizrachi; Telephone: +39.348.0178695
  • Beit Menachem (Sephardi)
    Via Asti 18 – Milan
    Open Daily
    Responsible: Rabbi Igal Hazan; Telephone: +39.349.675.1546
  • Bet Halevi (Sephardi)
    Via Soderini 21 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Itzchak Belinov
  • Beth Shlomo (Ari)
    Corso Lodi 8 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Shmuel Rodal; Telephone: +39.338.6730413
  • Beth Yosef (Italian)
    Via Eupili 8 – Milan
  • Centro Modena (Sephardi)
    Via Tenca 10 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan; Telephone: +39.02.29414170
  • Heichal David u-Mordechai (Italian)
    Via Guastalla 19 – Milan
    +39.0254124043 / +39 393 9742.284
    Open Daily
    Responsible: Rabbi Alfonso Arbib (Chief Rabbi)
  • Jacob Safra (Sephardi)
    Via Sally Mayer 4/6 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Moshe Lazar
  • Josef Tehillot (Sephardi)
    Via Dei Gracchi 25 – Milan
    Open Daily
  • Lubavitch Youth (Ari)
    Hotel Marriott, Via Giorgio Washington, 66 – Milan
    Open Shabbat Shacharit
    Responsible: Rabbi Levi Hazan; Telephone: +39.346.222.1272
  • Naar Israel (Ari)
    Piazza Castello 5 – Milan
    Open Shabbos and Holidays
    Responsible: Rabbi Shalom Elmaleh; Telephone: +39.02.45483082
  • Noam (Sephardi)
    Via Montecuccoli, 27 – Milan
    +39.02.4151660 / 02.4120480
    Open Daily
  • Ohel Yackov (Ashkenazi – Sefard)
    Via Cellini 2 – Milan
    Open Daily
    Responsible: Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik, Rabbi Avraham Hazan
  • Sephardic Oriental (Sephardi)
    Via Guastalla 19 – Milan
    Open Daily


  • Baghetto (Meat)
    Via Sardegna, 45 – 20146 Milan
    +39.02 469 46 43
    Certification: Rabbinical Office of Milan, Glatt
    Open Closed during August.
  • Tuv Tam (Bakery)
    Via Soderini 27 – Milan
    Certification: Rabbi Levi Hezkia
    Open Closed during August.
  • Denzel (Meat)
    Via Washington, 9 – Milan
  • Carmel (Dairy)
    Viale S. Gimignano 10 – 20146 Milan
  • My Kafè (Cafè)
    Via Soderini, 47 – Milan
    +39.02 38232748
    Closed in August
    Responsible: Michael Karmeli; Telephone: +39.+393338134104


Guide Info

Esther Nissim

Milan, Italy

+39-3472706316, WhatsApp available

Contact Esther

Join Esther for glimpse of Jewish Milan. Visit the Shoah memorial, known as “Binario 21” and enjoy a guided visit at the Milan’s Central Synagogue of Guastalla.