


Before the founding of the Portuguese kingdom, Jews lived under Moorish rule from the 8th through 12th centuries where they made up a large portion of the population and lived in peace with their neighbors. The first rulers of the Portuguese Kingdom which succeeded the Moorish rulers protected the Jews from persecution by the church. During the 13th and 14th centuries, Jews were part of the kingdom’s elite, taking part in Portugal’s expeditions to the east and serving as doctors to the royal family. Conditions worsened through the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century. In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain causing many to seek refuge in Portugal. Just five years later, the same fate befell the Jews of Portugal.

The expulsion was followed by an Inquisition in which many of the Jews who had converted to Christianity were persecuted for continuing to practice Judaism in secret. The inquisition prompted many Jews to leave Portugal, with many moving to Amsterdam or the New World. Jews began returning to Portugal around 1800 when the Portuguese government invited their return.

Only about 1000 Jews live in Portugal today, though the community has attracted foreigners as a result of citizenship rules allowing descendants of Portuguese Jews to apply for citizenship.


  • The Museum of Portuguese Jewish History
  • Museu Luso-Hebraico de Abraham Zacuto
    73 Rua Dr. Joaquim Jaquinto, Tomar


  • Chabad Lubavitch of Portugal
    Lisbon, 1050-018 Portugal
  • Shaaré Tikvah Synagogue
    Rua Alexandre Herculano, 59
    Lisbon 1250-010


  • For information on kosher food in Portugal, see this list.

Guide Info

Time Travellers – Archaeological and Historical Tourism Agency

Libson, Portugal


Contact Them

A walk along the centuries of friendship and quarrels between Lisbon and its Jewish community.
In its 2000 and some years, Lisbon witnessed the arrival of many different peoples, cultures and religions. Some stayed, some left, and some had a tremendous impact on our History!

Join Time Travelers in search of the places, ways of life and importance of Lisbon’s Jews throughout the centuries. Discover why they were so important for the medieval city and the great adventure of the Portuguese Maritime Discoveries.

From the different Jewish quarters and the shipyards, to the places where tragic events created bad memories, nothing is left behind in this trip to the past and the present of the chosen people.